Calanoid Copepod Limnocalanus species Herbivore |
Copepod Calanoid Copepod species Herbivore |

Copepod Calanoid Copepod species Herbivore |

Copepod, female Cyclops species Herbivore |

Copepod, female Cyclops species Herbivore |

Copepod, male Cyclops species Herbivore |

Copepod nauplius (larvae) Cyclops species Herbivore |

Harpacticoid Copepod species Herbivore |

Copepod nauplius (larvae), transforming Herbivore |

Aquatic Isopod Asellus species Scavenger Pollution indicator species |

Aquatic Isopod Lirceus species Scavenger Clean water indicator species |

Aquatic Isopod Scavenger Pollution indicator species |

Isopod Asellus sp. Scavenger Pollution Indicator |

Seed Shrimp Eucypris species Herbivore and feed on microbes |

Pillbug (Roly Poly) Armadillidium vulgare Scavenger |
Seed Shrimp Eucypris species Herbivore and feed on microbes |
Seed Shrimp Eucypris species Herbivore and feed on microbes |
Seed Shrimp Eucypris species Herbivore and feed on microbes |
Seed Shrimp Eucypris species Herbivore and feed on microbes |

Seed Shrimp Eucypris species Herbivore and feed on microbes |
Seed Shrimp Ostracod species Herbivores and feed on microbes |

Seed Shrimp Ostracod species Herbivores and feed on microbes |
Sowbug (Woodlice) Porcellio species Scavenger Terrestrial species |

Sowbug (Woodlice) Porcellio scaber Scavenger Terrestrial species |

Sowbug (Woodlice) Porcellio species Scavenger Terrestrial species |

Swamp Scud Amphipod species Herbivore |
Swamp Scud Gammaridian Amphipod species Herbivore Moderate pollution indicator species |
Swamp Scud Gammaridian Amphipod species Herbivore Moderate pollution indicator species |

Swamp Scud Gammaridian Amphipod species Herbivore Moderate pollution indicator species |

Water Flea Alona species Herbivore |

Water Flea Alonella monacantha Herbivore |

Water Flea Anchistropus minor Herbivore |

Water Flea Camptocercus species Herbivore |

Water Flea Ceriodaphnia reticulata Herbivore |

Water Flea Chydorus species Herbivore |

Water Flea Daphnia magna Herbivore |

Water Flea Daphnia rosea Herbivore |

Water Flea Daphnia species Herbivore |

Water Flea Disparalona species Herbivore |
Water Flea Eubosmina species Herbivore |
Water Flea Eubosmina species Herbivore |

Water Flea Eubosmina species Herbivore |

Water Flea Moina species Herbivore |

Water Flea Simocephalus species Herbivore |