Recording and Graphing Data

Specifics About Recording Data

1. Clearly identify what each measurement is, or exactly what was observed. Record "unknown #45-7 was green" not "it was green".

2. All data should be recorded as accurately as possible. It is an accepted practice to record all the digits you are certain about and then to estimate one more. If you are able to read to the hundredths place on the scale then every measurement recorded should be recorded to the hundredths place (record 9.00 not 9). Record all the digits on digital readouts.

3. All numerical data should contain units. Record "final buret reading = 45.67 ml" not "45.67".

4. All data should be recorded immediately and directly into your laboratory notebook. By default, data should appear in the sequence in which it was taken.

5. Do not obliterate mistaken entries. A single line should be placed through the mistaken entry and the correction made above or next to it. Initial the change and provide an explanation if necessary.

6. When possible, numerical data should be recorded in tables. When it will help show trends in information, data should be graphed.

Continue and read about constructing graphs.