Student Life

International Student Activities

Once a year, the International Student Office sponsors the Jane Harris International Student Reception. The international students are invited to mingle with staff and faculty while enjoying good food and music. There are a few brief speeches at the reception. This video clip is Ms. Yessie Susanto, the 2009 president of the International Student Club.


Ms. Yessie Susanto


International Student Scholarship

Every spring, international students who have attended Harper for at least one semester can apply for the Jean B. Chapman International Student Scholarship. One student is chosen to receive some money to use toward tuition or books for the next two semesters.

Elena Baydina

The winner of the Jean B. Chapman Scholarship for this year is Elena Baydina. Elena has been a full-time student enrolled in regular college classes since she began studying at Harper. She has maintained a 4.0 GPA through three semesters of challenging courses. Both of the professors who recommended Elena identified her "intellectual curiosity" as a primary academic strength. They were also impressed with her focus and attention to detail.

In her personal essay, Elena states that she enjoys the U.S. education system "because of the freedom to choose classes." She comments that this flexibility benefitted her in a semester when she was writing a research paper on Jungian theory of musical practices for a psychology course. Elena did not expect a music class on violin to relate to psychology, yet found that it helped her "to finish her research and actually practice some of the techniques Jung was describing." Elena plans to pursue a degree in psychology and return to Russia to open a practice in the field.

International Students' Club

International Students' Club tripInternation Students' Club group pictureThe International Students' Club is open to all students at Harper. It is an opportunity to make friends and wonderful memories. They have regular Conversation Café gatherings on Thursdays from 3:30 – 4:30 and many parties and special events as well. You can join the club by attending any of their activities. Look for more information on their Facebook page.

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