Blood Buffer - Metabolic Problems

Metabolic Alkalosis and Acidosis

Metabolic Alkalosis

Any condition in which a high blood pH is present due to non-respiratory causes is called metabolic alkalosis. In general, those processes that remove acids from the body or produce bases may cause metabolic alkalosis. One example is the overuse of diuretics. Diuretics increase the amount of urine excreted from the body and, if the urine carries with it large amounts of acids, the blood pH will be increased.

Metabolic Acidosis

Metabolic acidosis is a condition of low blood pH resulting from non-respiratory causes. Those processes that remove bases from the body or produce acids may cause metabolic acidosis. A common example is overexertion. When a person overly exerts themselves an insufficient supply of oxygen to the active muscles results in the production of large amounts of lactic acid. If the amount of lactic acid produced exceeds the buffering capacity of the blood, the blood pH will be lowered.

Continue and read about the treating alkalosis and acidosis.

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