Enzyme Kinetics - Postlab Questions

Postlab Questions

1. Why do enzymes have different optimum pH's and temperatures?

2. Compare the optimum pH and temperature of catalase to the pH and temperature of human blood.

3. Heavy metal poisoning is commonly found in small children who chew on paint containing lead. Propose a reason why lead might be poisonous to our bodies.

4. It is commonly known that freshly cut fruits turn a brownish color when exposed to the air for a number of minutes (see below). This is due to the action of the enzyme polyphenoloxidase. It is also well known that the formation of the brown color can be prevented or slowed by chilling the fruit, boiling it or rubbing it with lemon juice (which contains ascorbic acid). Explain why each of these methods works to slow down the browning process.

Your report should also contain answers to all the questions asked in the experiment as well as the requested graphs.

This completes the experiment.

introduction background prelab experiment postlab