DREAM Mentoring Programs
Why Create and Administer Mentoring Programs for Ethnically Diverse Faculty/Administrators?

The addition of a mentoring program for ethnically diverse professionals will enable the attraction, development and retention of a diverse workforce.
Despite recent efforts to improve diversity among College employees, there is a noticeable lack of diversity among the faculty. Although students of color represent 33% of all Harper College students, only 11.1% of the full-time faculty came from underrepresented groups in June 2006. ((HLC))
Increasing the diversity of the administration and faculty is one promising way to provide role models and establish the kind of rapport needed for effective mentoring to students from diverse backgrounds. ((American Council on Education (ACE) and the American Association of University Professsors (AAUP)
What are the Components of the Mentoring Program?
All mentors/mentees are required to attend mentor/mentee training session(s) as part of the mentoring program.
Possible topics may include:
- Mentor/Mentee Relationship; expectations and responsibilities
- Professional Development Sessions
- Cultural Competence-understanding experiences related to diverse professionals
- Leadership Development and Support
- Building Community
How is the Mentoring Program Structured?
The Mentoring program begins in August and ends in May the following year. The Mentoring Program Coordinator coordinates the “pairing” of mentors with mentees, the monitoring of the mentoring partnerships, seminars and social events. Each participant will be paired with a faculty or administrator member that is currently working in the mentee's area of interest or that has a common background. The faculty or administrator will have an opportunity to share professional and personal experiences with the mentee he/she is paired with. Participating mentor/mentee pairs will be invited to share their experience at a Mentoring Celebration at the end of the mentoring year.
The program coordinator will:
- Send invitation letters to potential mentor/mentees.
- Provide information and mentoring guidelines for both mentors and mentees.
- Require a written agreement that is negotiated by the mentor and mentee so that both partners have a reference point for expectations and the relationship.
- Coordinate Orientation for mentees and mentors and a Mentoring Celebration–at the conclusion of the mentoring year.
- Assist mentors and mentees with support to address conflicts.
- Monitor the progress of the partnerships approximately one month after the initial pairing, quarterly, as needed and at the conclusion of the mentoring year.
- Honor the confidentiality of all information provided as part of the mentoring program.
How can I Participate?
If you self-identify as a faculty/administrator from a racially/ethnically diverse background and want to volunteer to be a mentor or mentee, contact the DREAM chairs.
To learn more about a specific Mentoring Program select the program below:
DREAM Faculty/Administrator Mentoring Program
DREAM Adjunct Faculty Mentoring Program
DREAM Graduate Student Internship (GSI) Program