General Education Courses
Harper's geography department offers Social
(GEG 100, GEG 101, GEG 103, GEG 104, and GEG 150),
(GEG 111,GEG 112) and general education (GenEd) courses. These classes are recognized by the Illinois Articulation Initiative to aid
transferability to
universities for students seeking bachelor's degrees.
Pick the courses that meet your transfer, major, or graduation requirements.
The following GenEds also meet Harper's World Cultures and Diversity
requirement: GEG 100, GEG 101, GEG 103, and GEG 104.
Cultural Geography
GEG 100
Cultural Geography provides a comprehensive introduction to the basic concepts of human/cultural geography using spatial analysis/awareness with both traditional and digital map analysis. The course examines the causes and consequences of the uneven distribution of human activity, covering such themes as population, culture, economic activity, development, and urban patterns. IAI S4 900N (Social and behavioral science GenEd)
Geospatial Technology
GEG 150
Introduction to Geospatial Technologies introduces geospatial technologies which are a marketable technology skillset used in many disciplines that include location. These technologies are Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Global Positioning Systems (GPS), and remote sensing. Through hands-on computer-based exercises students learn the essential principles of map use and design, and spatial analysis. Fundamental desktop computer skills assumed. IAI S4 905 (Social and behavioral science GenEd)
World and
Regional Geography
GEG 101
World Regional Geography introduces how world regions are constructed or classified. Using spatial analysis of both traditional and digital maps factors will be explored to assess how regions evolve, change over time, and are classified. Both human and physical geographical factors used in classifying regions are examined. IAI S4 906 (Social and behavioral science GenEd)
GEG 103
The Developing World examines the regions of the world conventionally called “developing” or “emerging”, including the spatial patterns of physical and cultural elements that impart unique identities within these regions using both digital and traditional maps. IAI S4 902N (Social and behavioral science GenEd)
GEG 104
The Developing World examines the regions of the world conventionally called “industrialized” or “developed”, including the spatial patterns of physical and cultural elements that impart unique identities within these regions using both digital and traditional map. IAI S4 901 (Social and behavioral science GenEd)
GEG 111
Physical Geography examines the spatial distribution of elements of Earth's four physical spheres or natural systems: the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the lithosphere, and the biosphere. Topics include landforms, climates and climate change, weather, and ecosystems. The course describes the causes of these distributions and our two-way relationship with the environment. IAI P1 909 (Physical science GenEd)
GEG 112
Physical Geography-Laboratory is a lab course that complements GEG 111 and applies the scientific method of observation, hypothesis formation, and experimentation to Earth's four physical spheres: the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the lithosphere, and the biosphere. IAI P1 909L (Physical science GenEd)